Welcome to Haunted Intrigue!

Drag and Drop objects into the house.

Press 'E' while you have an object selected to activate it.

The vertical bar on the right shows the scare quota you have to reach before the end of the night. The horizontal bar on the bottom right shows how much time is left in the night. While people are in the same room as an activated haunted object, you will get points towards your quota. Try to reach your quota before the end of the night.

This is an investigator, he comes to the house to investigate the paranormal and isn't scared easily. You will instead lose points if an investigator is in the same room as an activated haunted object.

Originally, my game idea was that you would primarily be manipulating where people went in the house to scare them. For example using something like a rotating bookshelf to bring people to a different room, isolate them, and scare them. This ended up not being possible to produce in the two days I had so here is what I did get done.


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How do I start the game?

Game automatically starts when you run the game. You need to drag and drop the objects on the lawn into the house to be able to click the continue button.